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  • Tips for Choosing the Right Vinyl Wrap Design

    If you are looking to design a custom vinyl vehicle wrap, it can be difficult to know where to begin. From colours and textures to images and text, vehicle wraps are far more complex than they may first appear.  Whether you are looking to design a wrap for your business or a personal wrap to customize your vehicle, the design process can be time-consuming and difficult. As leading providers of quality vinyl wraps for all types of vehicles, the team at Wrap Guys has provided some tips for choosing the right vinyl wrap design.

    The Right Vinyl Wrap

    Learn about some things to know before designing a vehicle wrap.

    Vinyl Wrap Design Tips

    If you want your vinyl wrap to be effective and aesthetically pleasing, consider the following tips:

    Design for Your Vehicle

    Every vehicle has distinct dimensions, contours, and edges. To ensure that your wrap fits your vehicle perfectly, our team uses leading technology to accurately measure the dimensions or pull information from previous projects. Our team can also inspect your vehicle to highlight any potentially challenging spaces or areas that would be effective for advertising. This can help you make an informed decision for your vehicle wrap and can help you determine if a full or partial wrap is best for your needs.

    Know the Purpose

    Do you want your wrap to effectively advertise your business, or is your wrap meant to add a personal touch to your vehicle? Knowing what you want your wrap to accomplish is crucial for ensuring that it meets your expectations.

    Keep it Simple

    If you want to advertise your business, you need to make a lasting positive impression on potential viewers. For the best impression, a vinyl wrap should be simple and straight to the point. An overly cluttered or busy design can be confusing and make it difficult to determine what your business does. A cluttered design can also draw attention away from important details such as contact information, reducing the number of leads generated.

    Minimize the Amount of Text

    Most viewers will observe your car wrap while driving past your vehicle or traveling near it on the road. This makes it impossible to read long sentences or blurbs of text. To ensure that your brand and message are fully understood, it is a good idea to say no more than you need to. A company slogan, contact information, and a short list of services should be all that is needed.

    To learn more about our vinyl vehicle wraps, get in touch with the Wrap Guys team through our online contact form. Our experts will work with you to ensure that your vinyl wrap is perfectly tailored to your wants and needs.