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  • Does it Make Sense to Wrap a Leased Vehicle?

    Vehicle wraps are a great way to personalize your car or transform your truck into a mobile billboard for your business. Whether you own or lease a vehicle, there are several considerations to keep in mind before purchasing a wrap and having it installed. Understanding these considerations is crucial for determining if a wrap is the right choice for your vehicle. While many considerations are the same for owned and leased vehicles, some only apply to the latter category. As leading providers of car wraps for all types of vehicles, the team at Wrap Guys knows that it makes sense to wrap a leased vehicle in most cases. To help you determine if your leased vehicle can be wrapped, our team has provided a list of important elements to consider.

    Wrapping a Leased Vehicle

    Learn about 5 common myths about vehicle wraps.

    Important Considerations When Wrapping a Leased Vehicle

    If you are looking to wrap a leased vehicle, it is important to consider the following:

    The Conditions of Your Lease

    Though most leases are similar, some may contain special clauses, restrictions, or conditions that can prevent you from wrapping your vehicle. Be sure to review the conditions of your lease to determine if any of these restrictions are present. If there is no mention of vinyl wraps, decals, or graphics, you should be able to install a vinyl wrap without violating the terms of your lease.

    The Age and Condition of the Paint

    If you are looking to wrap a newly leased vehicle, you will need to confirm that the paint has fully cured first. Paint that has not been fully cured can release gases that inhibit adhesion, causing air bubbles and reducing the durability of the wrap. Consult your vehicle dealer to determine the age of the paint and ensure that it is in good condition before installing a vinyl wrap.

    The Material of the Vehicle Wrap

    When it comes to vehicle wraps, some materials are inherently superior to others. Cheaper materials provide minimal protection, a shorter usable life, and have a higher chance of damaging the paint upon removal. If you are wrapping a leased vehicle, you should opt for high-quality materials like 3M vinyl or Avery cast vinyl as they will provide the best protection for your vehicle’s paint. In most cases, these materials can also be seamlessly removed by a professional without damaging your paint or clear coat.

    To learn more about our car wraps, truck wraps, and other types of vehicle wraps, get in touch with the team at Wrap Guys. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.